Tonight marks the grand finale of Exandria Unlimited: DIVERGENCE, the latest in Critical Role’s miniseries that explore the history of the titular setting featuring Critical Role veterans, tabletop celebs, and friendly faces from all over the entertainment world. Helmed again by Brennan Lee Mulligan, Divergence stars Critical Role founders Matthew Mercer (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth) and Liam O’Brien (Marvel Rivals), alongside guest stars Jasmine Don (The Legend of Vox Machina), Alex Ward (Salem’s Lot), and Celia Rose Gooding (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds). As a Trekkie and big fan of her work as Uhura, I jumped at the chance to have a chat with Celia about her experience in tabletop and joining the world of Exandria.
1. What was it like getting to jump into the world of Exandria?

Getting into the world of Exandria was unlike anything I’ve had the opportunity to do before. I’ve had plenty of experience playing in strange new worlds, but the magic of Exandria Unlimited was very new to me! I haven’t originated a character in a long time, let alone building an entire person from the ground up. I got to determine Nia’s motivations, aspirations, fears, etc., pretty much entirely on my own. Brennan helped a lot with wrangling my ideas, and Liam gave Erro such depth; he was a fantastic lead to follow. Everybody at the table was so welcoming of my beginner energy. I feel fortunate to be a part of something that Critters seemed to really enjoy. I hope I get an opportunity to return, as Nia or as someone completely different.
2. Have you played many tabletop games before, how did you prepare for Exandria Unlimited?
I have! I’ve played some D&D with other Star Trek actors, with the incredible Todd Staswhick as our DM. I also played a one-shot Star Trek adventure with friends in the Trekkie community. Those games familiarized me with the basics of D&D. The team at Critical Role gave me tons of resources to familiarize myself with the world. But, given the circumstances of our campaign, a lot of that was knowledge my character didn’t have. I definitely needed to refresh between episodes. Our lore keeper Dani Carr was a godsend with her episodic summaries.
3. Do you find your work on Broadway translated to performing as Rei’nia “Nia” Saph?
Absolutely. I didn’t realize how similar live theatre and D&D live plays were until we started shooting. Critical Role is very theatre of the mind and super improv-forward. You get one five-ish hour-long take, and then it’s done! No repeats or hesitation. Learning how to work in an ensemble helped a lot, too. You have to know when to step back and let some moments happen without you, but you’re always “on stage,” so it’s essential to remain engaged and aware of what is happening. Being a part of EXU Divergence reminded me how much I love the spontaneity of theatre. It made me miss the stage a lot.
4. Do you have anything in common with Rei’nia? Is there anything that you’d disagree on?
I think Rei’nai and I are equally similar and different. Where Nia is a Cleric, Celia is most definitely a Bard. Nia has a faith that I’m still trying to find. It was nice to play a character who is so optimistic about her future, where I’m still quite skeptical. We both love our sisters a lot; that’s our common denominator.
5. What’s been your favorite moment so far?

I’m so grateful to have been part of every moment; picking a favorite is hard. The episodes feel like movies, each with its own arc and emotional rollercoaster. If I had to decide, my favorite moments on set were talkbacks with the cast. We’re all so in character while we’re shooting. Talking back and sharing thoughts and feelings out of character was a great way to wrap up what are often pretty emotional moments. Those moments felt the necessary electrolyte water after a long workout.
The final episode of Exandria Unlimited Divergence airs tonight on, Twitch, and Youtube with episodes will be available as VODs on YouTube and as podcasts shortly after airing.
Images via Critical Role
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