Home Entertainment Film Guardians of the Galaxy Cosplay: Get Gamora’s look

Guardians of the Galaxy Cosplay: Get Gamora’s look


Calling all Guardians of the Galaxy fans! How would you like to be able to recreate an everyday version of Gamora’s amazing look? It’s super easy—all you need is some clip-in hair extensions and this handy tutorial.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect look for Comi-Con or fancy bringing a bit of intergalactic style to your Saturday night, check out this tutorial from Alex and marvel at her superhuman hair skills while you’re at it. We’ve taken inspiration from the best of Gamora’s other-worldly beauty to bring you this look with its cool pink hair and subtle nod to green skin. Of course, if you want to go for full-on Gamora green don’t let us stop you!

Bad-ass martial arts skills not included. That’s on you…

You’ll need

  • Clip-in hair extensions or long hair!
  • Hair chalk – in pink
  • An old towel
  • A comb for sectioning
  • Eyeshadows in matt brown and green
  • Green metallic lippie
  • Black lipliner (or eyeliner will also work)
  • Make-up brushes

Step 1 – Chalk your extensions

Your first job is to apply some pink hair chalk to your Lush hair extensions. Place your extensions on your old towel to protect your floor and start chalking each weft in downwards strokes. Work up from the tips of the hair and press quite firmly for a vibrant pink effect.

Try not to chalk each weft up to the same height, it will look better if each strand is chalked to a different height. Keep going until you have chalked all of your extensions – and don’t worry, it’ll easily wash out afterwards!

Step 2 – Clip in your Lush hair extensions

Next up, it’s time to apply your hair extensions. We won’t bore you with the details of exactly how to do this here – but if you’re new to clip-in extensions, just head over to this tutorial on how to apply clip-in hair extensions for all the help you need.  

Step 3 – Blend with your natural hair

Hooray, you’ve clipped in all your funky pink extensions! Now it’s time to make sure they blend in with your natural hair. Grab your hair chalk again and simply chalk up some strands of your natural hair as well. Again, start at the tips of your hair and work upwards using downwards strokes.

Then take your comb and trace a straight line right up from the top of your nose and through your hair to make a perfect centre parting.

Step 4 – Dramatic Gamora eyes

With your hair all finished, it’s time to turn your attention to your Gamora-inspired make-up. To re-create her striking eyes, take your make-up brushes and first apply a mid-brown matte eyeshadow to the creases of your eyelids.

Next, go for as deep a green shade as you dare and apply the eyeshadow all over the rest of your eyelid.

Step 5 – Daring green lips

This is the step that takes your look from pretty to killer. You need those head-turning green lips.

To achieve the look, just apply your metallic green lippy to your lips and then line with black lipliner or eyeliner to seal the deal.

Now all you need is that fierce Gamora attitude – go forth and defend the galaxy!

This guest post was written by Haiden Beckett.

Image courtesy of Lush Hair Extensions
