Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Legends of Tomorrow Brings The Circus To The Circus

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With the Legends officially back in business, they find their newest adventure: trying to do damage control for their time-breaking screw up in “Freakshow”.

We start off with a flashback to six months ago Central City when Amaya was hard at work trying to cook up some doughnuts for Nate’s birthday, living the domestic life with her boo. Through plot convenience, she starts paying attention to the TV right when they start showing footage from Mari McCabe, the current Vixen and Amaya’s granddaughter, in action, doing her superhero thing. When Nate comes back home, he finds it empty with Amaya and her things gone.

Back to present day, Ray shows off his new toys: a tool reverse engineered from the tech they stole from the Time Bureau which allows the Legends to seek anachronisms and a shrink ray he developed based on the technology from his own ATOM suit which can help them contain any of these anachronisms causing too much trouble.

As the Legends look through the map of anachronisms, they decide to go for the path of least resistance and pick up a Level 1/10 at Wisconsin, 1870. While at it, the script finally embraces the opportunity to take a shot at the Titanic, which is made funnier by the fact that cast member Victor Garber plays the ship’s architect in the eponymous movie by Wonder Woman naysayer and just overall buzzkill James Cameron, and also that Billy Zane, the movie’s villain, guest stars on the episode as P.T. Barnum, the showman, head of the freak show where the anachronism is located.

Ray, Jax, and Nate end up finding the anachronism which ends up being a legit saber-toothed tiger. Things escalate pretty quickly when Ray doesn’t calibrate his shrink ray all too well and actually engorges the animal, making it a bigger problem as it runs away into the wild. Sara decides to take a short trip to Zambesi to enlist Amaya’s abilities as an animal know-it-all in order to help out with the situation that went from a 1 to 4, according to the anachronism map.

Needless to say, Nate is not so thrilled about re-encountering Amaya due to their sudden breakup. Nonetheless, the men take a trip to a local bar while Sara and Amaya find the saber-toothed tiger and handle it, successfully shrinking it to a cat-like cute animal. At the bar, Nate picks up a fight with a dude who disrespected the bearded lady and, obviously, wins it by steeling up. P.T. watches the whole thing and is immediately enchanted by Nate’s powers and by Nate’s descriptions of Jax’s and Ray’s. Sadly, it was all a ruse as the Strongman knocks out Jax and Ray as P.T. wants to incorporate new attractions to his failing circus.

The next day, Jax and Ray are incarcerated by P.T. Barnum who is adamant about using them on his show even if, technically, they can’t due to Martin’s and the ATOM’s suit absence. Sara notices that a guy is watching them while they look for Jax and Ray and, it turns out, the guy is Gary, a Time Bureau agent. Sara takes Gary prisoner and catches on to the information that Agent Sharpe had sent him to spy on the Legends. Nate and Amaya end up finding Jax and Ray, who are dressed up as conjoined twins, but they are darted and taken prisoners by P.T.’s henchmen.

As Nate’s powers conveniently don’t work now because he is dehydrated and Amaya is not really keen on using her totem right now, the two end up discussing their breakup while imprisoned. Amaya tells him that, initially, she took a trip to Detroit to see Mari in action, which prompted her to leave to Zambesi in order to prevent the solidification of time and subsequent erasure of Mari from existence which would happen if she had stayed too long in 2017.

Sara forces Gary to tell Agent Sharpe that everything is okay, but she is able to see through her bullshit. Therefore, Sara sends Martin and Mick to rescue the team while she handles the Time Bureau agent in another one of those “Designated Girl Fights” with batons. You know, maybe it’s because this is supposed to be a fun-time CW show, but I can’t help but get bothered by Sara’s fighting skills which float from “took a year of karate” to “master league of assassins legend” depending on the necessities of the plot and that is so very annoying to me.

Back to the circus, P.T. Barnum is ready to introduce Ray/Jax when Martin sees the opportunity to infiltrate the crew as a clown so that he can get closer to Jax and firestorm up. Oh, maybe I should mention that Mick is afraid of clowns? Yeah. This has been a real trend lately with the likes of American Horror Story and It. Anyways, Mick runs, but don’t worry, he comes back.

Behind the curtains, P.T. threatens Amaya’s life in order to get Nate to cooperate with the show. At the Waverider, Sara and Sharpe stop their brawl to get some water and that’s when Ray’s shrink ray reverses the tiger back to its normal form (oh, yeah, the ray does that). Sara saves Sharpe life and the latter almost tells the former some crucial plot information regarding Mallus.

Seeing P.T.’s mistreatment of Nate, Amaya channels in her totem’s powers, releases herself, and starts wreaking havoc which is perfectly in sync with Martin’s disguise being made and him being able to join with Jax for some due time Firestorm shenanigans. Firestorm tries to stop Amaya from killing P.T., but she ends up slapping them away like a boss (ooooh, they need some milk!). It is up to Nate to appeal to Amaya’s feelings in order for her to control her powers, fight her visions of the rapists who attacked Zambesi last episode, and spare P.T.’s life.

The Legends regroup now that everything’s in order and the anachronism has been dealt with. Sara takes a sidebar with Agent Sharpe and asks her about that plot important info she was neglected, but Agent Sharpe remains tight-lipped about it. Amaya and Nate have a chance to talk about her current situation in which she has been losing control over her powers for a month now and how she ripped to shreds all of the invaders who attacked Zambesi. In the end, it is decided that Amaya will stick around for the time being.

Finally, as the Legends joke around the next big-bad, brushing it off as no big deal, we see the closer: a hooded woman performs a spell close to a lake which prompts another woman to rise from a body of water. The hooded woman tells the risen one, Kuasa, about how she is a follower of Mallus and that they have work to do.

Images Courtesy of The CW 


  • Matthew

    Matthew is a 20-year-old sucker for the superhero/fantasy, crime, and queer genres. He is doing his best to become a forensic scientist, but, alas, he gets easily distracted with how much great TV is being produced right now.

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