Shipping and Returns Policy


Most frequent questions and answers

How long before my order ships out?

We use a wide network of product manufacturers for the items offered in our store. Generally, you can expect a 2-4 business day window for your items to be made to order and shipped. Certain items may extend to 4-6 business days.

Where Do You Ship To?

We currently ship to the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands.

Shipping Costs

We provide this information on our store item pages.

Shipping Time

Shipping lengths are estimated as follows. 

US Standard Shipping:  5-12 business days

International Standard Shipping: Depending on your location this may range anywhere from 1 -4 weeks.

Note: Please remember that due to your product being made to order, a 2-6 day processing time is needed prior to your item shipping out.

Damaged/Incorrect Item Return Policy

We’re terribly sorry if your order arrived and was less than satisfactory! If you have an issue with your order, please send us a message via our contact page and include the following:

  • Order #
  • Item(s) in Question
  • What is unsatisfactory about your item?

You can also contact us at 580-363-6805 from Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm PST.

Item Is the Wrong Size

Please be sure to follow the size chart information we have provided on our apparel products. The sizes reflect the brand and make of each item, and are provided for you to best select your match.

Since our products are made to order, we cannot offer refunds for incorrectly sized items unless you specifically ordered a size and were delivered a size different than what you ordered. (Please email us [[email protected]] a photo of the item size you were delivered and a copy of the purchase receipt showing the size you ordered in such an instance.)