Monday, March 3, 2025

The Voices Behind RWBY

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*Minor Spoiler Alert!*

On the world of Remnant, the four Kingdoms (Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, & Mistral) struggle to fight the fearsome Grimm and keep humanity alive. The only hope of battling The Grimm is Dust, an element that has no known origin. In each Kingdom, there lies academies that exist to train the future generation to protect the little humanity that is left on the world. Kids sent to the academy will train and be placed in a group of four that will work together and bond to total a force stronger than the sum of their powers. The series follows team RWBY, which consists of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. Together, they train to keep their world alive.

In an in-depth panel at Lvl Up Expo, attendees of the con had the privilege of asking questions about the series or about their work to the voice actors of team RWBY.


What’s it like having a big legacy in a short amount of time?

Kara Eberle (Ruby)- It’s an honor and a big responsibility to know that we have so many fans.

Arryn Zech (Blake)- We never really considered this, Monty (Rooster Teeth Producer)believed In us and brought us this far and gave us this great opportunity.

Barbara Dunkelman (Yang)- I always think at cons that people might be paying you guys to love us but you guys actually like us and it’s surreal to see it.


If Adam didn’t die how would it affect the series?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- The fanfic writer in me says that he would want to be friends with everybody and that he would give to charity

Arryn Zech (Blake)- He’d eventually have to meet his demise, better sooner than later.


Who do you believe has had the biggest character development?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- Weiss had a big change.

Kara Eberle (Weiss)- Weiss really went through some stuff, I can testify to that.

Barbara Dunkelman (Yang)- I can see Jonathan as well, he went through a whole lot. He really came into his own as a leader.


Are you going to let Salem win?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- Hell no

Kara Eberle (Weiss)- Nope

Arryn Zech (Blake)- Why would we do that?

Barbara Dunkelman (Yang)- No, but for all we know he could win.


If you could set your volume 1 and volume 6 characters down and have a talk what would it be like?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- I would just ask awkwardly how things were, just making small talk

Kara Eberle (Weiss)- I don’t think I’d give them any advice, I want them to grow and learn by themselves.

Arryn Zech (Blake)- I’d have so much to say for her, but mostly I’d give her a hug.

Barbara Dunkelman (Yang)- If I wanted to be a therapist I would go to school for that, I’m not qualified to answer that. I might just say to tuck her arms in a little bit more [wink].


What has been the most rewarding part of being on RWBY?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- this, is getting to meet you guys and do these panels and see all of the love that people have for this show

How is it working with the folks at both productions? [RWBY & Red vs Blue]

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- It’s a challenge but it’s still really cool! We get to work with the creators of it all and it’s great.

Arryn Zech (Blake)- It’s great, I love Blake but Dr. Grey is definitely more of a challenge. There’s this one scene where I have to do this really fast monologue and I did it! I used to watch Red vs Blue as a kid and the fact that we’re at season 17 right now is amazing


If you guys had one wish what would you wish for?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- I wish everyone would get along and be a better place, in a more fun manner I’d wish for cats.

Kara Eberle (Weiss)- I’d wish for longer days. I’d wish that there were 48 hours I’m a day, you could choose what to do and when to do it at any time.

Arryn Zech (Blake)- The selfish answer? A lot of cash. I want to continue my job but I also want enough money to live in Paris. People who say money can’t buy happiness don’t have enough money.

Barbara Dunkelman (Yang)- More wishes. And to make that guy disappear (refer to picture)

A good point that the cast brought up is how they already knew about all major plot points and spoilers from the series before it happened. Barbara knew about what would happen to Yang and Lindsey knew about Ruby’s eyes before they were brought up on the show. This was to ensure that no major surprises threw them off guard.


What’s it like starting the show with a character and then having a defining moment?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- For ruby, I knew about her questioning Ozpin, that was something Monty talked to me about beforehand. Basically a Harry Potter and Dumbledore moment (akin to how everyone was suspicious of Dumbledore but Harry trusted him). And it’s a nice anticipation, knowing what happens before it happens

Kara Eberle (Weiss)- Well we do get a heads up by the progression of our character, I was first told that my character wasn’t going to be liked but that she had some stuff coming. We prepare for it as much as we can but we already know ahead of time.

Arryn Zech (Blake)- I didn’t know Blake had parents! I had no idea. So that was fun. I remember in the beginning it kinda sheds light on how Blake was very much like Weiss in the beginning, high and mighty without me realizing it. Obviously, the island that she’s from isn’t great, but she’s a princess from there.

Barbara Dunkelman (Yang)- I personally love to when something happens to my character that changes the direction. I knew that she was gonna lose her arm way before it actually happened. It makes the story more interning and adds more stakes.


[To Lindsay] What was your reaction when finding out about Ruby’s silver eyes? [To the rest of the cast] How were you cast into your roles?

Lindsay Jones (Ruby)- I was told beforehand what the eyes meant and how special the eyes were before it was told on the show.

Kara Eberle (Weiss)- It was less of trying out and more of like being cast and asked at the same time.

Arryn Zech (Blake)- Monty told me ‘you’re socially awkward, you’re perfect for this role” and that’s pretty much how it kinda happened.

Barbara Dunkelman (Yang)- Monty just asked me if I wanted to play a badass goldilocks and I said sure why not.

There are still many mysteries coming to us in season 7, but one can only hope that our favorite team of girls can conquer their greatest foes for their people and for their world.

*RWBY season 1-7 is available to watch for free on Rooster Teeth.*

Promotional images courtesy of Rooster Teeth


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