Welcome back to our rewatch of Xena: Warrior Princess. In this episode, we discuss season two, which opens with a bang, a.k.a. the revelation that Xena has a son. Solan was left by Xena in the care of centaurs ten years previous. From there it would seem like the season’s on a roll of hard-hitters for the next couple of episodes until we get to “Warrior… Princess… Tramp.”
From there, the season is mostly camp, to levels never before—or indeed, again—seen in this show. Of course, Xena is never without its cheese and camp and whoosh. Just the sheer amount of it this season is quite something, from “Here She Comes… Miss Amphipolis” to the head-scratcher of a season finale, “A Comedy of Eros.”
Interspersed with those, however, are some truly emotional episodes that see the return of Xena’s quintessential nemesis Callisto, which brings forth Gabrielle’s first true thirst for blood. The season even includes the [SPOLER, SPOILER!] death of Xena. The first one, anyway.
Meanwhile, Xena and Gabrielle are consolidated as a not-so-subtle couple, with the occasional no-homo episode in between to appease the execs. All in all, the Warrior Princess and her Bard don’t lose their essence and give us a fluffy, cheesy season to prepare us for the intensity to come. And boy, will it come.
Listen to Kori and Alejandra ramble about the cheese, the tropes and desperately try not to talk about season three ahead of time.
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